Today I wanted to talk about an important subject. How to relax. This seams like not an important topic and you will tell me, well I do relax everyday by watching television or talking to a friend. Well, I wanted to put some light on this subject. 1. Entertainment is different than relaxing. Entertainment make you feel relax is it true, but it could be stressful for your body or mental health. For instance, watching the news after a long day. You are coming back from work. You switch on the TV and bam you are in your sofa apparently relaxing. Well, news are very stressful for your mental health and not good neither for your eyes and body. That make your eyes very dry, tired and this increase diseases such as claucoma. This is one of the exemple in many. 2. Ok, so what does that mean « to relax » ? It simply mean that you take time only for you. There is no piece of information around you that can generate stress into your body. To relax is to take the time and enjoy simple th...