
Affichage des articles du août, 2020


Hello there! Today I come back with an article very easy and simple to make. I am moving right now, so the time does not allow me to spent hours for an article and I am so sorry about that. Here are my two meals of the day. I thought this could be funny to make an What I eat in a day into an article instead of a video. See Ya!

A nice walk in a park

Few weeks ago my friend moved next to my house. I was so glad to be able to see him a lot more than what we used to. We have decided to have a walk, time to time, to enjoy the french summer air. I suggested to go in a park, outside Paris but when could go there by our own feet. He was okay with that. I actually discovered an amazing park that I would like to share you you today. If you plan to go in Paris, this is maybe not the place I would suggest you to go at first sight. However, you have many cheap hotels and this is the suburbs that is, in Paris, (two sidewalks to cross and you are in Paris). This is the metro that deserve this place not even the the suburb train. Anyway, I share with you few picture and this place. It is called "Le parc département Jean Moulin". Why do we like this park so much? First of all, it is huge. So huge that you can not see anyone (almost). This creates a specific atmosphere, like if you were in a country field. I loved ...

All about Spirulina!

Good for your health, excellent for your vitamin B12, Spiruline is the new world I add to my vocabulary this week. First of all, I would like to talk a little but about what is the Spirulina. It is a cyanobacteria (many bacterias linked to each other) of seaweed.  It all started to come to our ears because of a botanist who discovered again this food. But we need to know that Chadians ate this plant in form of pancakes several centuries ago. Then the Aztecs ate a lot of this super-food for a very long period of time. In 1967 the Belgian botanist Jean Léonard brought back these pancakes that he found in an archeologist place at the Chad. He made analyzes and we discovered again this food! In 1970 the food industry took hold of this market and Spirulina became in increasingly consumed product over the years. The Benefits of Spirulina Spirulina contains antioxidants that fight against free radicals. According to doctors, the benefits are: Cancer: ...