This is something that happen a lot to me. I would like to write about a special theme, be entertain by my narration, my story, my feelings and all this universe I am writing down. However, somedays that is not that easy. 

That is the reason why I am writing this article. I could read it again in few days or months or years and just remember to myself, Audrey you should read it and you will find the inspiration.

And indeed! In this article I am giving some ideas to write about things. I would not explain why it is great to write nor why we all should do. Just do it. 

So here we go!

1. Write about the life you always secretly wanted to live
What is more exiting than writing about secret things you wanted to live or write about something like you have never lived. This is like a autobiography, this is easy to write, you don't need to create new characters or new places, everything is already in your head. 

2. Write about something you would like to change in this world and why
This advantage is that you will start a very long monologue... and write a lot about your ideas.

3. Change the end or a part of a very famous fairy
This is a exercice I love doing. This is very funny and you write without caring about it!

4. Write a letter to someone who is dead and that you used to know
Why don't you ask if she or he is doing, and what is new in her or his life? Why don't you also write her or his answer?

5. Why about your love story
It helps...sometimes.

I hope you like the article :)
Do you have any subject you like to work about?

Audrey Ekko


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