This is you who wants to be more productive. Bored to wait when you are working? Want to change a part of your work? Welcome!

1. Break your bad habits!

Having bad habits is breaking productivity, motivation and all that jazz. Stop your phone, ipad and all electronic devices (even your oven). You will not be disturbed at all. Why is it important to not be disturb? Because you will be focused about what you are doing. No mistake (or at least less than usually) and you will finish quickly your task.

* Fun fact: you need 15 minutes to be focused on something. If you are interrupted in a task, your need 15 minutes again to be focused about what you were doing!

2. Get a new good routine.

You start your day, you know what to do. This is the good solution. Do what you want to do and do not let your phone and its opportunity to do the job for you because it won't.

3. Get better sleep.

Being fully relaxed means having a brain ready to work!

4. Time your work.

You think having two choices between working one hour or telling yourself I work till I am done. Well, this last one is the good solution in my opinion.
1 - You want to work 1h, just take an alarm clock (and not your phone this is important). Well, yes, in a way it is great to start working. But you probably will not finish your task, and you will need more time.
2 - You want something done, take one hour and challenge yourself. I work one hour and you are done. This is the good solution to me.

5. Read more books.

More you read, faster you will work on paper support, have more knowledge and increase your efficiency.

6. Plan what you have to do before doing the thing.

This is a classic, should I have to talk about it?

7. Take all you need. 

Why? Because you won't be interrupted during your task. You are focusing on what you are doing until you are done.

8. Be motivated!

This the most important point. If you do not have any motivation, well it is going to be hard. Stay focus. Breath. Go ahead.

9. Start right now.

Do the thing.

10. Apply your today habit to week, month and year.

Everything will be more and more organized. It is easier to have more fun, and be efficient when you have to be.

Audrey Ekko


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