The 20 Books to real once in your life!

I love reading and most of the time I spend my time looking for a great book. Something that makes me change, makes me think and that I enjoy.

Let's go right away into the subject!

Here are my recommandation of books :

- 1984 - Gorge Orwell

If you are looking to learn about dictature and think about you present, the conditions of your life, this book is made for you. All TV reality are based on this reflexion the author offers and many movies and books have based their "world" on the basis implant here.

- Uncle's Tom Cabin - Harriet Beecher Stowe

- Le portrait de Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
An excellent book to think about art and a good story.

- Metamorphosis - Kafka

- Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling

- Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury

- The Old Man and the See - Ernest Hemingway

- On the Road - Jack Kerouac

The story is unique, the movie is excellent, and the style of the author as sweet as a cotton candy. The rythme at the end of the book is very impressive. I would recommend this book if you want to learn more about author, artist life and writing with style without being boring.

- Les Misérables - Victory Hugo

- Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov

- The Catcher in the Rye - J.D. Salinger

- The parfum - Patrick Süskind

- The Great Gatsby - Scott Fitzgerald

- The Red and the Black - Stendhal

When I first read this book I was questionning the question of love. Now that I think about it, I have learnt a lot about climbing the corporate ladder, never give up.

- Tender Complaints - Yoko Ogawa

- Ulysse - James Joyce

- The Plague - Albert Camus
Should I have to talk about it? This is the moment to read this book with all what happen in this world right now.

- The art of war - Confucius

- Honey and Milk - Rupi Kaur

Let's not forget poetry. We usually forget it, and this is important to read a little of bit of what is new in this world (I mean by that, to read dead authors and new ones). This book is very original and reminds me of the modern poets in France during the 1920's.

- Dracula - Bram Stocker

Let's talk about another world, and what world! This is one of the best book I have read. The language is developed, sophisticated and very divine. The story is a classic one and a reference of many new TV shows and this is a good idea to read.

I hope you enjoyed this little selection of mine.
Do not hesitate to share and add comments, I will answer it as soon as possible.
See you next week!

Audrey Ekko


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