What to put in you Bullet Journal?

Hello there!

I come back with different ideas about your Bullet Journal! I tried to find different Bullet Journal from different website to get you the right idea (my bullet journal is not very pretty).

I give you a simple list about it.

1. Goals of the year

2. Movies watched
3. Books read

4. TV show -> Tracks
5. Gifts ideas
6. Saving goals
7. Taxes
8. Destinations to go
9. Annual holidays: goals & places
10. Real estate goals
11. Sport track habits

12. Things to discover
13. Water consumption

14. Planning of the year
15. Goals of every months

16. Memories of the months
17. Summary of the year (important events that occured during the year).
18. Books & movies to watch
19. Style ideas with pictures

20. List of your achievement
21. List of what you are grateful for.
22. Citations

23. General to do lits.

I hope you enjoyed this article and that it gives you great ideas!

See you soon,



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