
Affichage des articles du mai, 2020

Luxurious Items I would Buy

Hello guys! Today I come back with a different type of article. We all have desires, needs and wants. Now that I have a job, and work hard, I have few items that I would like to buy, but I do not for now (I want to buy an apartment, so I need to save money). Here are my articles, and I wish I could go back to this article and check if I still want those kind of article. The most important in life, to my mind, is to be minimalism and have things beautiful in your life, and good quality. Just think of it.. If you buy an H&M bag every month : $40x12 (months in a year) = $480. Someone I know owns a $8000 bag. She has it since 1980. We are in 2020. She paid : (40x12=480 -> 8000/480=16.6) her bag $16 a month. Because the bag was expensive, it was a very good quality. She has never changed it. She has never seen something broken. She is always with a prestigious bag. She can take it everywhere (you cannot go to an important meeting with an H&M bag...). So, those are the art...


Hello there, since the lock shot, I have started to watch Korean Dramas and this is my new hobby. Anyway let me introduce you my favorites ones. I am not going to descripte the shows, no spoilers do not be afraid, the goal here is to just share few nouns with you. Without any further due, Crash Landing On You is the first show! Far way from the others, this is the Most interesting drama ever! You learn a lot about North Korea and its culture but also South Korea (I have leant so much). The music also is a pure pleasure. That's Ok, it's love Another drama in which I have a learnt a lot about psychology. This is a good combination between watching something funny and learning about Something in the Rain A love story in which you learn about Korean wedding and love. Secret Affair My guilty pleasure. I feel like you are living something that you would not experience. Here are my recommandation, what do you think? Do you have any f...

The 20 Books to real once in your life!

I love reading and most of the time I spend my time looking for a great book. Something that makes me change, makes me think and that I enjoy. Let's go right away into the subject! Here are my recommandation of books : - 1984 - Gorge Orwell If you are looking to learn about dictature and think about you present, the conditions of your life, this book is made for you. All TV reality are based on this reflexion the author offers and many movies and books have based their "world" on the basis implant here. - Uncle's Tom Cabin -  Harriet Beecher Stowe - Le portrait de Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde An excellent book to think about art and a good story. - Metamorphosis - Kafka - Harry Potter - J.K. Rowling - Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury - The Old Man and the See - Ernest Hemingway - On the Road - Jack Kerouac The story is unique, the movie is excellent, and the style of the author as sweet as a cotton candy. The rythme at the end of the...

What to put in you Bullet Journal?

Hello there! I come back with different ideas about your Bullet Journal! I tried to find different Bullet Journal from different website to get you the right idea (my bullet journal is not very pretty). I give you a simple list about it. 1. Goals of the year 2. Movies watched 3. Books read 4. TV show -> Tracks 5. Gifts ideas 6. Saving goals 7. Taxes 8. Destinations to go 9. Annual holidays: goals & places 10. Real estate goals 11. Sport track habits 12. Things to discover 13. Water consumption 14. Planning of the year 15. Goals of every months 16. Memories of the months 17. Summary of the year (important events that occured during the year). 18. Books & movies to watch 19. Style ideas with pictures 20. List of your achievement 21. List of what you are grateful for. 22. Citations 23. General to do lits. I hope you enjoyed this article and that it gives you great ideas! See you soon, Audre